Power Platform/Power Apps
Power Apps 코드 구성 요소(PCF) - Dataverse API 사용
2022. 3. 24. 12:31
Power Apps 코드 구성요소 - Dataverse API 사용
Power Apps 코드 구성요소는 캔버스 앱 뿐만 아니라 Dynamics 365에서 데이터 요소에서 기본적으로 제공하는 컨트롤(텍스트,날짜 입력 등)을 대체하여 넣을 수 있다. 여기서는 기본으로 제공하는 테이블 '거래처' 에서 연간 매출을 자동으로 입력된 행을 만드는 컨트롤을 만들어보자
코드 구성요소 초기화
- 다음 명령을 파워쉘에서 실행해 초기화된 프로젝트를 만든다.
pac pcf init --namespace SampleNamespace --name TSWebAPI --template field
- 다음 명령어를 입력하여 프로젝트에 종속 라이브러리를 로드한다.
npm install
코드 구성요소 로직 구현
- 코드 구성 요소의 매니페스트 파일(ControlManifest.Input.xml)을 열고 다음과 같이 바꾼다.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<control namespace="SampleNamespace" constructor="TSWebAPI" version="1.0.0" display-name-key="TS_WebAPI_Display_Key" description-key="TS_WebAPI_Desc_Display_Key" control-type="standard">
<property name="stringProperty" display-name-key="stringProperty_Display_Key" description-key="stringProperty_Desc_Key" of-type="SingleLine.Text" usage="bound" required="true" />
<code path="index.ts" order="1" />
<css path="css/TS_WebAPI.css" order="2" />
<uses-feature name="WebAPI" required="true" />
- index.ts 파일을 연다.
- 클래스 내부 최상단에 컨트롤로 적용할 다음 private 변수를 삽입
// Reference to the control container HTMLDivElement
// This element contains all elements of our custom control example
private _container: HTMLDivElement;
// Reference to ComponentFramework Context object
private _context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>;
// Flag if control view has been rendered
private _controlViewRendered: Boolean;
// References to button elements that are rendered by example custom control
private _createEntity1Button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _createEntity2Button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _createEntity3Button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _deleteRecordButton: HTMLButtonElement;
private _fetchXmlRefreshButton: HTMLButtonElement;
private _oDataRefreshButton: HTMLButtonElement;
// References to div elements that are rendered by the example custom control
private _odataStatusContainerDiv: HTMLDivElement;
private _resultContainerDiv: HTMLDivElement;
- 다음 테이블의 이름,열을 나타내는. private 변수를 추가로 삽입
// Name of entity to use for example Web API calls that are performed by this control
private static _entityName: string = "account";
// Required field on _entityName of type 'single line of text'
// Example Web API calls that are performed by the example custom control will set this field for new record creation examples
private static _requiredAttributeName: string = "name";
// Value that the _requiredAttributeName field will be set to for new created records
private static _requiredAttributeValue: string = "Web API Custom Control (Sample)";
// Name of currency field on _entityName to populate during record create
// Example Web API calls that are performed by the example custom control will set and read this field
private static _currencyAttributeName: string = "revenue";
// Friendly name of currency field (only used for control UI - no functional impact)
private static _currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName: string = "annual revenue";
- 다음 로직을 init 함수 안에 삽입
this._context = context; this._controlViewRendered = false; this._container = document.createElement("div"); this._container.classList.add("TSWebAPI_Container"); container.appendChild(this._container);
- updateView 함수안에 다음 로직 추가
if (!this._controlViewRendered) { this._controlViewRendered = true; // Render Web API Examples this.renderCreateExample(); this.renderDeleteExample(); this.renderFetchXmlRetrieveMultipleExample(); this.renderODataRetrieveMultipleExample(); // Render result div to display output of Web API calls this.renderResultsDiv();}
- html을 랜더링하기위해 다음 함수들을 추가
* Helper method to create HTML button that is used for CreateRecord Web API Example
* @param buttonLabel : Label for button
* @param buttonId : ID for button
* @param buttonValue : Value of button (attribute of button)
* @param onClickHandler : onClick event handler to invoke for the button
private createHTMLButtonElement(buttonLabel: string, buttonId: string, buttonValue: string | null, onClickHandler: (event?: any) => void): HTMLButtonElement {
let button: HTMLButtonElement = document.createElement("button");
button.innerHTML = buttonLabel;
if (buttonValue) {
button.setAttribute("buttonvalue", buttonValue);
button.id = buttonId;
button.addEventListener("click", onClickHandler);
return button;
* Helper method to create HTML Div Element
* @param elementClassName : Class name of div element
* @param isHeader : True if 'header' div - adds extra class and post-fix to ID for header elements
* @param innerText : innerText of Div Element
private createHTMLDivElement(elementClassName: string, isHeader: Boolean, innerText?: string): HTMLDivElement {
let div: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement("div");
if (isHeader) {
elementClassName += "_header";
if (innerText) {
div.innerText = innerText.toUpperCase();
return div;
* Renders a 'result container' div element to inject the status of the example Web API calls
private renderResultsDiv() {
// Render header label for result container
let resultDivHeader: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement("result_container", true,
"Result of last action");
// Div elements to populate with the result text
this._resultContainerDiv = this.createHTMLDivElement("result_container", false, undefined);
// Init the result container with a notification that the control was loaded
this.updateResultContainerText("Web API sample custom control loaded");
* Helper method to inject HTML into result container div
* @param statusHTML : HTML to inject into result container
private updateResultContainerText(statusHTML: string): void {
if (this._resultContainerDiv) {
this._resultContainerDiv.innerHTML = statusHTML;
* Helper method to inject error string into result container div after failed Web API call
* @param errorResponse : error object from rejected promise
private updateResultContainerTextWithErrorResponse(errorResponse: any): void {
if (this._resultContainerDiv) {
// Retrieve the error message from the errorResponse and inject into the result div
let errorHTML: string = "Error with Web API call:";
errorHTML += "<br />"
errorHTML += errorResponse.message;
this._resultContainerDiv.innerHTML = errorHTML;
* Helper method to generate Label for Create Buttons
* @param entityNumber : value to set _currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName field to for this button
private getCreateRecordButtonLabel(entityNumber: string): string {
return "Create record with " + TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName + " of " + entityNumber;
* Helper method to generate ID for Create button
* @param entityNumber : value to set _currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName field to for this button
private getCreateButtonId(entityNumber: string): string {
return "create_button_" + entityNumber;
- 다음 oncClick 이벤트 핸들러를 추가해서 CURD 작업을 실행하도록 만든다
* Event Handler for onClick of create record button
* @param event : click event
private createButtonOnClickHandler(event: Event): void {
// Retrieve the value to set the currency field to from the button's attribute
const currencyAttributeValue: number = parseInt(
(event.target as Element)?.attributes?.getNamedItem("buttonvalue")?.value ?? "0"
// Generate unique record name by appending timestamp to _requiredAttributeValue
const recordName = `${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeValue}_${Date.now()}`;
// Set the values for the attributes we want to set on the new record
// If you want to set additional attributes on the new record, add to data dictionary as key/value pair
const data: ComponentFramework.WebApi.Entity = {};
data[TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeName] = recordName;
data[TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName] = currencyAttributeValue;
// Invoke the Web API to creat the new record
this._context.webAPI.createRecord(TSWebAPI._entityName, data).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.LookupValue) => {
// Callback method for successful creation of new record
// Get the ID of the new record created
const id: string = response.id;
// Generate HTML to inject into the result div to showcase the fields and values of the new record created
let resultHtml = `Created new ${ TSWebAPI._entityName } record with below values:`;
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += `id: ${id}`;
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += `${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeName}: ${recordName}`;
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += `${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName}: ${currencyAttributeValue}`;
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here - record failed to be created
* Event Handler for onClick of delete record button
* @param event : click event
private deleteButtonOnClickHandler(): void {
// Invoke a lookup dialog to allow the user to select an existing record of type _entityName to delete
const lookUpOptions: any =
entityTypes: [TSWebAPI._entityName]
const lookUpPromise = this._context.utils.lookupObjects(lookUpOptions);
// Callback method - invoked after user has selected an item from the lookup dialog
// Data parameter is the item selected in the lookup dialog
(data: ComponentFramework.LookupValue[]) => {
if (data && data[0]) {
// Get the ID and entityType of the record selected by the lookup
const id: string = data[0].id;
const entityType: string = data[0].entityType;
// Invoke the deleteRecord method of the WebAPI to delete the selected record
this._context.webAPI.deleteRecord(entityType, id).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.LookupValue) => {
// Record was deleted successfully
const responseId: string = response.id;
const responseEntityType: string = response.entityType;
// Generate HTML to inject into the result div to showcase the deleted record
this.updateResultContainerText(`Deleted ${responseEntityType} record with ID: ${responseId}`);
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here
(error) => {
// Error handling code here
* Event Handler for onClick of calculate average value button
* @param event : click event
private calculateAverageButtonOnClickHandler(): void {
// Build FetchXML to retrieve the average value of _currencyAttributeName field for all _entityName records
// Add a filter to only aggregate on records that have _currencyAttributeName not set to null
let fetchXML = "<fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' aggregate='true'>";
fetchXML += `<entity name='${TSWebAPI._entityName}'>`;
fetchXML += `<attribute name='${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName}' aggregate='avg' alias='average_val' />`;
fetchXML += "<filter>";
fetchXML += `<condition attribute='${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName}' operator='not-null' />`;
fetchXML += "</filter>";
fetchXML += "</entity>";
fetchXML += "</fetch>";
// Invoke the Web API RetrieveMultipleRecords method to calculate the aggregate value
this._context.webAPI.retrieveMultipleRecords(TSWebAPI._entityName, `?fetchXml=${ fetchXML}`).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.WebApi.RetrieveMultipleResponse) => {
// Retrieve multiple completed successfully -- retrieve the averageValue
const averageVal: number = response.entities[0].average_val;
// Generate HTML to inject into the result div to showcase the result of the RetrieveMultiple Web API call
const resultHTML = `Average value of ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName} attribute for all ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records: ${averageVal}`;
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here
* Event Handler for onClick of calculate record count button
* @param event : click event
private refreshRecordCountButtonOnClickHandler(): void {
// Generate OData query string to retrieve the _currencyAttributeName field for all _entityName records
// Add a filter to only retrieve records with _requiredAttributeName field which contains _requiredAttributeValue
const queryString = `?$select=${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName }&$filter=contains(${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeName},'${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeValue}')`;
// Invoke the Web API Retrieve Multiple call
this._context.webAPI.retrieveMultipleRecords(TSWebAPI._entityName, queryString).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.WebApi.RetrieveMultipleResponse) => {
// Retrieve Multiple Web API call completed successfully
let count1 = 0;
let count2 = 0;
let count3 = 0;
// Loop through each returned record
for (const entity of response.entities) {
// Retrieve the value of _currencyAttributeName field
const value: number = entity[TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName];
// Check the value of _currencyAttributeName field and increment the correct counter
if (value == 100) {
else if (value == 200) {
else if (value == 300) {
// Generate HTML to inject into the fetch xml status div to showcase the results of the OData retrieve example
let innerHtml = "Use above buttons to create or delete a record to see count update";
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += `Count of ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName} of 100: ${count1}`;
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += `Count of ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName} of 200: ${count2}`;
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += `Count of ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName} of 300: ${count3}`;
// Inject the HTML into the fetch xml status div
if (this._odataStatusContainerDiv) {
this._odataStatusContainerDiv.innerHTML = innerHtml;
// Inject a success message into the result div
this.updateResultContainerText("Record count refreshed");
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here
- 다음 함수를 추가하여 CURD작업의 결과를 랜더링
* Renders example use of CreateRecord Web API
private renderCreateExample() {
// Create header label for Web API sample
let headerDiv: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement("create_container", true, "Click to create "
+ TSWebAPI._entityName + " record");
// Create button 1 to create a record with the revenue field set to 100
let value1: string = "100";
this._createEntity1Button = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
// Create button 2 to create a record with the revenue field set to 200
let value2: string = "200";
this._createEntity2Button = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
// Create button 3 to create a record with the revenue field set to 300
let value3: string = "300";
this._createEntity3Button = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
// Append all button HTML elements to custom control container div
* Renders example use of DeleteRecord Web API
private renderDeleteExample(): void {
// Create header label for Web API sample
let headerDiv: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement("delete_container", true, "Click to delete " + TSWebAPI._entityName + " record");
// Render button to invoke DeleteRecord Web API call
this._deleteRecordButton = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
"Select record to delete",
// Append elements to custom control container div
* Renders example use of RetrieveMultiple Web API with OData
private renderODataRetrieveMultipleExample(): void {
let containerClassName: string = "odata_status_container";
// Create header label for Web API sample
let statusDivHeader: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerClassName, true, "Click to refresh record count");
this._odataStatusContainerDiv = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerClassName, false, undefined);
// Create button to invoke OData RetrieveMultiple Example
this._fetchXmlRefreshButton = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
"Refresh record count",
// Append HTML elements to custom control container div
* Renders example use of RetrieveMultiple Web API with Fetch XML
private renderFetchXmlRetrieveMultipleExample(): void {
let containerName: string = "fetchxml_status_container";
// Create header label for Web API sample
let statusDivHeader: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerName, true,
"Click to calculate average value of " + TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName);
let statusDiv: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerName, false, undefined);
// Create button to invoke Fetch XML RetrieveMultiple Web API example
this._oDataRefreshButton = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
"Calculate average value of " + TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName,
// Append HTML Elements to custom control container div
- 모든 작업이 완료되면 소스는 다음과 비슷할 것이다.
import {IInputs, IOutputs} from "./generated/ManifestTypes";
export class TSWebAPI implements ComponentFramework.StandardControl<IInputs, IOutputs>
// Reference to the control container HTMLDivElement
// This element contains all elements of our custom control example
private _container: HTMLDivElement;
// Reference to ComponentFramework Context object
private _context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>;
// Name of entity to use for example Web API calls performed by this control
private static _entityName = "account";
// Required field on _entityName of type 'single line of text'
// Example Web API calls performed by example custom control will set this field for new record creation examples
private static _requiredAttributeName = "name";
// Value the _requiredAttributeName field will be set to for new created records
private static _requiredAttributeValue = "Web API Custom Control (Sample)";
// Name of currency field on _entityName to populate during record create
// Example Web API calls performed by example custom control will set and read this field
private static _currencyAttributeName = "revenue";
// Friendly name of currency field (only used for control UI - no functional impact)
private static _currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName = "annual revenue";
// Flag if control view has been rendered
private _controlViewRendered: boolean;
// References to button elements rendered by example custom control
private _createEntity1Button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _createEntity2Button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _createEntity3Button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _deleteRecordButton: HTMLButtonElement;
private _fetchXmlRefreshButton: HTMLButtonElement;
private _oDataRefreshButton: HTMLButtonElement;
// References to div elements rendered by the example custom control
private _odataStatusContainerDiv: HTMLDivElement;
private _resultContainerDiv: HTMLDivElement;
* Used to initialize the control instance. Controls can kick off remote server calls and other initialization actions here.
* Data-set values are not initialized here, use updateView.
* @param context The entire property bag available to control via Context Object; It contains values as set up by the customizer mapped to property names defined in the manifest, as well as utility functions.
* @param notifyOutputChanged A callback method to alert the framework that the control has new outputs ready to be retrieved asynchronously.
* @param state A piece of data that persists in one session for a single user. Can be set at any point in a controls life cycle by calling 'setControlState' in the Mode interface.
* @param container If a control is marked control-type='standard', it will receive an empty div element within which it can render its content.
public init(context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, notifyOutputChanged: () => void, state: ComponentFramework.Dictionary, container: HTMLDivElement): void {
this._context = context;
this._controlViewRendered = false;
this._container = document.createElement("div");
* Called when any value in the property bag has changed. This includes field values, data-sets, global values such as container height and width, offline status, control metadata values such as label, visible, etc.
* @param context The entire property bag available to control via Context Object; It contains values as set up by the customizer mapped to names defined in the manifest, as well as utility functions
public updateView(context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>): void {
this._context = context;
if (!this._controlViewRendered) {
this._controlViewRendered = true;
// Render Web API Examples
// Render result div to display output of Web API calls
* It is called by the framework prior to a control receiving new data.
* @returns an object based on nomenclature defined in manifest, expecting object[s] for property marked as "bound" or "output"
public getOutputs(): IOutputs {
// no-op: method not leveraged by this example custom control
return {};
* Called when the control is to be removed from the DOM tree. Controls should use this call for cleanup.
* i.e. cancelling any pending remote calls, removing listeners, etc.
public destroy(): void {
// no-op: method not leveraged by this example custom control
* Renders example use of CreateRecord Web API
private renderCreateExample() {
// Create header label for Web API sample
const headerDiv: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement("create_container", true, `Click to create ${TSWebAPI._entityName} record`);
// Create button 1 to create record with revenue field set to 100
const value1 = "100";
this._createEntity1Button = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
// Create button 2 to create record with revenue field set to 200
const value2 = "200";
this._createEntity2Button = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
// Create button 3 to create record with revenue field set to 300
const value3 = "300";
this._createEntity3Button = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
// Append all button HTML elements to custom control container div
* Renders example use of DeleteRecord Web API
private renderDeleteExample(): void {
// Create header label for Web API sample
const headerDiv: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement("delete_container", true, `Click to delete ${TSWebAPI._entityName} record`);
// Render button to invoke DeleteRecord Web API call
this._deleteRecordButton = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
"Select record to delete",
// Append elements to custom control container div
* Renders example use of RetrieveMultiple Web API with OData
private renderODataRetrieveMultipleExample(): void {
const containerClassName = "odata_status_container";
// Create header label for Web API sample
const statusDivHeader: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerClassName, true, "Click to refresh record count");
this._odataStatusContainerDiv = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerClassName, false, undefined);
// Create button to invoke OData RetrieveMultiple Example
this._fetchXmlRefreshButton = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
"Refresh record count",
// Append HTML elements to custom control container div
* Renders example use of RetrieveMultiple Web API with Fetch XML
private renderFetchXmlRetrieveMultipleExample(): void {
const containerName = "fetchxml_status_container";
// Create header label for Web API sample
const statusDivHeader: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerName, true,
`Click to calculate average value of ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName}`);
const statusDiv: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement(containerName, false, undefined);
// Create button to invoke Fetch XML RetrieveMultiple Web API example
this._oDataRefreshButton = this.createHTMLButtonElement(
`Calculate average value of ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName}`,
// Append HTML Elements to custom control container div
* Renders a 'result container' div element to inject the status of the example Web API calls
private renderResultsDiv() {
// Render header label for result container
const resultDivHeader: HTMLDivElement = this.createHTMLDivElement("result_container", true,
"Result of last action");
// Div elements to populate with the result text
this._resultContainerDiv = this.createHTMLDivElement("result_container", false, undefined);
// Init the result container with a notification the control was loaded
this.updateResultContainerText("Web API sample custom control loaded");
* Event Handler for onClick of create record button
* @param event : click event
private createButtonOnClickHandler(event: Event): void {
// Retrieve the value to set the currency field to from the button's attribute
const currencyAttributeValue: number = parseInt(
(event.target as Element)?.attributes?.getNamedItem("buttonvalue")?.value ?? "0"
// Generate unique record name by appending timestamp to _requiredAttributeValue
const recordName = `${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeValue}_${Date.now()}`;
// Set the values for the attributes we want to set on the new record
// If you want to set additional attributes on the new record, add to data dictionary as key/value pair
const data: ComponentFramework.WebApi.Entity = {};
data[TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeName] = recordName;
data[TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName] = currencyAttributeValue;
// Invoke the Web API to creat the new record
this._context.webAPI.createRecord(TSWebAPI._entityName, data).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.LookupValue) => {
// Callback method for successful creation of new record
// Get the ID of the new record created
const id: string = response.id;
// Generate HTML to inject into the result div to showcase the fields and values of the new record created
let resultHtml = `Created new ${ TSWebAPI._entityName } record with below values:`;
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += `id: ${id}`;
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += `${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeName}: ${recordName}`;
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += "<br />";
resultHtml += `${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName}: ${currencyAttributeValue}`;
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here - record failed to be created
* Event Handler for onClick of delete record button
* @param event : click event
private deleteButtonOnClickHandler(): void {
// Invoke a lookup dialog to allow the user to select an existing record of type _entityName to delete
const lookUpOptions: any =
entityTypes: [TSWebAPI._entityName]
const lookUpPromise = this._context.utils.lookupObjects(lookUpOptions);
// Callback method - invoked after user has selected an item from the lookup dialog
// Data parameter is the item selected in the lookup dialog
(data: ComponentFramework.LookupValue[]) => {
if (data && data[0]) {
// Get the ID and entityType of the record selected by the lookup
const id: string = data[0].id;
const entityType: string = data[0].entityType;
// Invoke the deleteRecord method of the WebAPI to delete the selected record
this._context.webAPI.deleteRecord(entityType, id).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.LookupValue) => {
// Record was deleted successfully
const responseId: string = response.id;
const responseEntityType: string = response.entityType;
// Generate HTML to inject into the result div to showcase the deleted record
this.updateResultContainerText(`Deleted ${responseEntityType} record with ID: ${responseId}`);
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here
(error) => {
// Error handling code here
* Event Handler for onClick of calculate average value button
* @param event : click event
private calculateAverageButtonOnClickHandler(): void {
// Build FetchXML to retrieve the average value of _currencyAttributeName field for all _entityName records
// Add a filter to only aggregate on records that have _currencyAttributeName not set to null
let fetchXML = "<fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' aggregate='true'>";
fetchXML += `<entity name='${TSWebAPI._entityName}'>`;
fetchXML += `<attribute name='${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName}' aggregate='avg' alias='average_val' />`;
fetchXML += "<filter>";
fetchXML += `<condition attribute='${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName}' operator='not-null' />`;
fetchXML += "</filter>";
fetchXML += "</entity>";
fetchXML += "</fetch>";
// Invoke the Web API RetrieveMultipleRecords method to calculate the aggregate value
this._context.webAPI.retrieveMultipleRecords(TSWebAPI._entityName, `?fetchXml=${ fetchXML}`).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.WebApi.RetrieveMultipleResponse) => {
// Retrieve multiple completed successfully -- retrieve the averageValue
const averageVal: number = response.entities[0].average_val;
// Generate HTML to inject into the result div to showcase the result of the RetrieveMultiple Web API call
const resultHTML = `Average value of ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName} attribute for all ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records: ${averageVal}`;
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here
* Event Handler for onClick of calculate record count button
* @param event : click event
private refreshRecordCountButtonOnClickHandler(): void {
// Generate OData query string to retrieve the _currencyAttributeName field for all _entityName records
// Add a filter to only retrieve records with _requiredAttributeName field which contains _requiredAttributeValue
const queryString = `?$select=${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName }&$filter=contains(${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeName},'${TSWebAPI._requiredAttributeValue}')`;
// Invoke the Web API Retrieve Multiple call
this._context.webAPI.retrieveMultipleRecords(TSWebAPI._entityName, queryString).then(
(response: ComponentFramework.WebApi.RetrieveMultipleResponse) => {
// Retrieve Multiple Web API call completed successfully
let count1 = 0;
let count2 = 0;
let count3 = 0;
// Loop through each returned record
for (const entity of response.entities) {
// Retrieve the value of _currencyAttributeName field
const value: number = entity[TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName];
// Check the value of _currencyAttributeName field and increment the correct counter
if (value == 100) {
else if (value == 200) {
else if (value == 300) {
// Generate HTML to inject into the fetch xml status div to showcase the results of the OData retrieve example
let innerHtml = "Use above buttons to create or delete a record to see count update";
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += `Count of ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName} of 100: ${count1}`;
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += `Count of ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName} of 200: ${count2}`;
innerHtml += "<br />";
innerHtml += `Count of ${TSWebAPI._entityName} records with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName} of 300: ${count3}`;
// Inject the HTML into the fetch xml status div
if (this._odataStatusContainerDiv) {
this._odataStatusContainerDiv.innerHTML = innerHtml;
// Inject a success message into the result div
this.updateResultContainerText("Record count refreshed");
(errorResponse) => {
// Error handling code here
* Helper method to inject HTML into result container div
* @param statusHTML : HTML to inject into result container
private updateResultContainerText(statusHTML: string): void {
if (this._resultContainerDiv) {
this._resultContainerDiv.innerHTML = statusHTML;
* Helper method to inject error string into result container div after failed Web API call
* @param errorResponse : error object from rejected promise
private updateResultContainerTextWithErrorResponse(errorResponse: any): void {
if (this._resultContainerDiv) {
// Retrieve the error message from the errorResponse and inject into the result div
let errorHTML = "Error with Web API call:";
errorHTML += "<br />";
errorHTML += errorResponse.message;
this._resultContainerDiv.innerHTML = errorHTML;
* Helper method to generate Label for Create Buttons
* @param entityNumber : value to set _currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName field to for this button
private getCreateRecordButtonLabel(entityNumber: string): string {
return `Create record with ${TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName} of ${entityNumber}`;
* Helper method to generate ID for Create Button
* @param entityNumber : value to set _currencyAttributeNameFriendlyName field to for this button
private getCreateButtonId(entityNumber: string): string {
return `create_button_${entityNumber}`;
* Helper method to create HTML Button used for CreateRecord Web API Example
* @param buttonLabel : Label for button
* @param buttonId : ID for button
* @param buttonValue : value of button (attribute of button)
* @param onClickHandler : onClick event handler to invoke for the button
private createHTMLButtonElement(buttonLabel: string, buttonId: string, buttonValue: string | null, onClickHandler: (event?: any) => void): HTMLButtonElement {
const button: HTMLButtonElement = document.createElement("button");
button.innerHTML = buttonLabel;
if (buttonValue) {
button.setAttribute("buttonvalue", buttonValue);
button.id = buttonId;
button.addEventListener("click", onClickHandler);
return button;
* Helper method to create HTML Div Element
* @param elementClassName : Class name of div element
* @param isHeader : True if 'header' div - adds extra class and post-fix to ID for header elements
* @param innerText : innerText of Div Element
private createHTMLDivElement(elementClassName: string, isHeader: boolean, innerText?: string): HTMLDivElement {
const div: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement("div");
if (isHeader) {
elementClassName += "_header";
if (innerText) {
div.innerText = innerText.toUpperCase();
return div;
## 코드 구성요소의 스타일 추가(CSS)
- TSWebAPI 폴더 안에 CSS 폴더를 추가한다.
- CSS 폴더 안에 TS_WebAPI.css 파일을 추가한다.
- TS_WebAPI.css 에 다음 css 스타일을 입력한다.
font-family: 'SegoeUI-Semibold', 'Segoe UI Semibold', 'Segoe UI Regular', 'Segoe UI';
color: #1160B7;
.SampleNamespace\.TSWebAPI .TSWebAPI_Container
overflow-x: auto;
.SampleNamespace\.TSWebAPI .SampleControl_WebAPI_Header
color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
font-size: 1rem;
padding-top: 20px;
.SampleNamespace\.TSWebAPI .result_container
padding-bottom: 20px;
.SampleNamespace\.TSWebAPI .SampleControl_WebAPI_ButtonClass
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
cursor: pointer;
color: #1160B7;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
min-width: 300px;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
display: block;
빌드 및 실행
npm run build
를 파워쉘에서 실행해 빌드한다.npm start
로 실행해서 잘 적용됬는지 확인한다.- 이후 솔루션에 포함시켜서 업로드를 한다.
- 업로드한 코드 구성 요소를 '거래처' 테이블의 양식에서 적당한 행에 대체하여 넣는다.(코드 구성요소를 모델 기반 앱에서 사용하는 법은 이후 올리겠다.)
- 실제 모델 기반 앱에서 실행되는 것을 버튼을 클릭하며 확인한다.